Scottsdale, Arizona Speed Traps
Chaparral between Miller and Hayden
Radar van parks on the driveways of the homes. Therefore, it is partially hidden. In addtion, cops (somtimes unmarked) will hide on small side street and use instant-on radar. If you have a detector, better let someone in front of you take the radar hit.
McDowell Rd. Between Galvin Pkwy. & 68th. St.
Westbound in the am hours, & Eastbound in the pm hours right at the canel. Mon.-Fri. "Carefull Now" "Beware"
Highway 395
It is right after you get out of a big off ramp that is a huge circle. Watch Out!!!!!!!
7500 Block of Oak Street (across from Coronado HS)
White, mostly unmarked, van parked on the Westbound shoulder near Miller Rd., shooting Eastbound (approaching) traffic.
Hayden southbound just before Via de Ventura
A white sport utility vehicle (SUV) drives over the curb and parks on the grass next to the bike path about 1/10 of a mile north of Via de Ventura. This same vehicle is in constant rotation in dozens of other spots in Scottsdale. Usually this photo-radar trap can be spotted because the rear hatch is open. Be aware that Scottsdale has installed cameras for red-light runners at major intersections, these can easily be identified as 10 ft tall white poles, topped by a white box, with one big lens. Scottsdale WAS sending citations to local violators via US mail until the word got out that if you didn’t make any acknowlegement of the letter, the ticket would be dismissed. Now they deliver the letters by certified mail or by summons server which is how they just caught my mom for running the light at Hayden Rd and McDonald Dr.