Elkins, Arkansas Speed Traps
State Highway 16 near Elkins Public School
If you even think about doing one mph over the speed limit when school lets out at 3:00 you’re in big trouble. From about 2:45 until 3:45 there will be a cop sitting at the Elkins School that is ready to make some money. Also, at both ends of the town there are usually some sort of speed trap. As you enter the town from the southern end, there will usually be a cop backed up into an entrance to a field by the water company building. On the other end of town, the cops usually sit at a cabinet shop, gas station, or the small shopping center.
The cops are very hateful and rude. You can hardly ever get away with a warning and don’t try to sweet talk these because they’ll shut you up with a $185 ticket.
The Whole Town
Leaving Fayetteville on Hwy. 16 East be careful! The City of Elkins is waiting! A small town with a lot of Police and speed zones that change like the wind and they also don’t care to pull you over for anything so Be Careful!!