Little Rock, Arkansas Speed Traps

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Pershing Blvd near Pulaski Tech

Little Rock, ArkansasMar 19, 20030 Comments

Police will hide on one of the side streets going towards Pulaski Tech. I have seen one cop pull over four cars at a time here! Look out from 2-5 pm!

Cantrell Road Just West of I430

Little Rock, ArkansasJul 30, 20020 Comments

This is an area that is 40 MPH. It comes after a 45 MPH zone coming from town or a 65 MPH exiting from I430. They like to sit in the church parking lot at the Rodney Parham light to see who has not quite slowed down yet coming from town or the freeway as the speed zone markings are not very clear.

Shackelford and Breckenridge

Little Rock, ArkansasJul 24, 20020 Comments

The Officers sit at the bottom of a steep hill on Shackelford by Breckenridge and catch motorists going over the 25 mph posted limit.

Pleasant VAlley Road between Cantrell and Rodney Parham

Little Rock, ArkansasMay 15, 20020 Comments

They sit under the I 430 bridge and catch you coming down the hill from Cantrell going towards Hinson

North Hills Boulevard South of Mccain Boulevard

Little Rock, ArkansasNov 01, 20010 Comments

North Little Rock Police Motorcycle sits in the driveway of a big brick house. He watches for people and pulls them over for 5-6 or more m.p.h. over the limit of 30. It is in a wide stretch of two-lane through the residential area. It opens up into a four-lane divided road once you reach Fairway Ave.

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