Auburn, California Speed Traps

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State Highway 49 near elm Street

Auburn, CaliforniaAug 01, 20071 Comments

Trap zone is before Elm as 49 approaches I-80; 35 is posted (and heavily advertized w/electric trailer sign), but normal and safe speed much higher. I beat a radar ticket here using nolo press materials; the prosecution failed to provide a valid traffic survey as required, and the officer curiously "sicked" out.

Interstate 80 near Placer Hills Road

Auburn, CaliforniaNov 26, 20050 Comments

I 80 westbound from Placer Hills Rd. (6 miles east of Auburn) into Auburn is highly enforced. I have seen as many as seven CHP vehicles on a single onramp waiting to catch motorists coming downhill from Reno and Lake Tahoe into Sacramento and San Francisco. Long straight downhill grades from the high Sierras easily allow excess speed unless one is very careful.

Auburn Folsom Road, south of town

Auburn, CaliforniaFeb 01, 20020 Comments

After leaving the stoplight at Indian Hill Road, headed south, you imagine yourself to be in a rural area. There are NO posted speed limit signs. However, as you round the second curve on this steep downhill drive,there is a sudden 35MPH sign. And, right after that is the speed trap. There is no warning that you are even in a 35MPH zone.

Auburn Ravine Rd, Dairy Rd, Luther Rd

Auburn, CaliforniaMay 01, 20010 Comments

A ridiculous number of stop signs have been added to Auburn Ravine and Luther Roads for the purpose of speed control. Police hide on any and every side street of these 3 roads, waiting for speeders, or california stops. Especially the school parking lot on Dairy Rd.

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