Chula Vista, California Speed Traps
Orange Avenue
Police will make you pull over with 2 cars of enforcement where you will then be ticketed if the radar was one mile over the limit.
East Orange Avenue near Max Street
Traveling westbound on East Orange there is a downhill area where many drivers tend to speed up. Officers sit at the bottom of the slope hiding on a side street with radar guns.
Orange Avenue near Hilltop Avenue
When headed West bound on Orange Ave. Usually after exiting the 805 freeway. As you near Max Ave. There is a downhill and a curve. The posted speed limit is 35mph. But the Chula Vista PD has officers with a LIDAR on the median, between Jade and Jasper, waiting for you to speed downhill and past the turn. Since it is a turn the police are not visible and by the time you spot them you have already been hit by the radar.
The officers will stand in the street and block you from going past them and will direct you to a cul de sac on Jade where there is a team of officers issuing citations.
A speed enforcement officer bragged that they normally issue over 150 citations per night.
H Street near Interstate 805
Motorcycle police in bushes getting people coming off interstate exit ramp traveling at more than the posted limit of 40 mph.
L Street near Nolan Avenue
L Street going west bound direction up an hill with the cross street (Nolan) at the top of hill. Well posted for 25 MPH all speeders have as many of 5 Officers issuing citations.