Diamond Bar, California Speed Traps

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on Diamond Bar Blvd. between Gold Rush & Golden Springs

Diamond Bar, CaliforniaMar 30, 20101 Comments

As you pass gold rush and are going down the hill two motorcycle cops are in the middle of the island in front of Lorbeer middle school. Especially in the morning when school is beginning.

On Brea Canyon Rd. between Pathfinder Rd. and Golden Springs Dr.

Diamond Bar, CaliforniaMar 12, 20100 Comments

Downhill on Brea Canyon Rd. from Pathfinder Rd. the motorcycle cop waits on a tiny road on the right at the botttom of the hill aimed with a radar gun while you speed down northward. 40 mph is the speed limit and if you’re not careful the momentum downhill will make you speed-up.

Diamond Bar Blvd. and Golden Springs Dr.

Diamond Bar, CaliforniaJan 11, 20102 Comments

Intersection of above, officer parks on the sidewalk of the Chevron that’s right at the intersection. He looks north up Diamond Bar Blvd. with his radar and pops those heading southbound on Diamond Bar Blvd. as you approach Hwy. 60 (Pomona Freeway) as it is the end of a downhill and lots of folks run the red light or speed past the intersection.

Diamond Bar Boulevard near Sunset Crossing Avenue

Diamond Bar, CaliforniaMay 07, 20080 Comments

Usually two sheriff motorcycles, one writing and one with a radar gun. Trap is on the down hill side of Diamond Bar Blvd between Highland Valley and Sunset Crossing in the morning.

Brea Canyon Road near Golden Springs Street

Diamond Bar, CaliforniaFeb 20, 20080 Comments

Downhill between Pathfinder Road & Golden Springs in the middle segment of Brea Canyon

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