Los Angeles, California Speed Traps

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Los Feliz Blvd W/B @ Bella Vista, btwn Hillhurst & Silverlake

Los Angeles, CaliforniaFeb 01, 20010 Comments

Motor Cops will lie in wait at Bella Vista, sometimes in pairs. Use extreme caution on weekend mornings around 8 AM

West Olympic Boulevard west of Century City and east of Overland

Los Angeles, CaliforniaFeb 01, 20000 Comments

This trap is operated fairly consistantly especially on Saturday and Sunday mornings. The officers sit in a parked car on the north side of Olympic, concealed in a turning or one of the side streets. They are using a K band constant transmission radar gun, which is easily detected except that the Ralph’s supermarket just east of them can confuse a detector, even though the Ralph’s transmission is X band. Great place to check out your detector.

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