Menifee, California Speed Traps

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Newport RD

Menifee, CaliforniaMar 23, 20121 Comments

Coming down railroad canyon traffic is put into one lane causing traffic all the way to fire station in canyon hills. Once you enter railroad canyon it clears up, your natural reaction is to speed up. Well yesterday they got me at 80mph. What a freekin joke. Those cops would probly do the same thing. I didn’t realize I was going that fast, I would have definitely slowed down.

Domenigoni and Lindenberger

Menifee, CaliforniaNov 24, 20110 Comments

The speed limit is 55. There’s a motorcycle cop that sits at the bottom of the hill. He makes a killing at that one spot. I was cited for doing 70. I believe that is a safe speed there.

Sun City north of McCall

Menifee, CaliforniaNov 24, 20110 Comments

There’s a no U turn sign posted in the center median so cars can’t make U-turns from northbound to southbound. If you come out of the gas station and make a U-turn, a motorcycle cop will write you a ticket. I’ve been making that U-turn for the past 10 yrs and now I got a ticket for it. I think that guy will cite his own mother.

Domenagani Rd west of Menifee Rd

Menifee, CaliforniaAug 04, 20101 Comments

Officer sits below the crest of the hill with radar gun. This is the only stretch of Domenagani that is 55. Most of it is 60 or 65.

Hwy-74 Between Antelope and Sherman

Menifee, CaliforniaJul 22, 20100 Comments

Menifee Police use vacant lot between 3rd and 2nd streets using laser to catch speeders. Speed Limit is 45 MPH

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