Santa Ana, California Speed Traps

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MacArthur Blvd.

Santa Ana, CaliforniaDec 27, 20170 Comments

Ok, there are two notorious speed traps on this street. 1st one is between Bristol & Flower at the firestation. Motorcycle cops love posting up here during peak traffic hours both in am & pm! Also they like to post up on same street between Greenville & Bear St. In the entrance to the condominiums across the street from the designated Church site under construction.

Fifth Street between Fairview and English Ave

Santa Ana, CaliforniaNov 13, 20120 Comments

Motorcycle offices hides behind meat market. When you enter road the speed is 35mph and a few second later becomes 25mph. Cop will wait for you with his radar. Mornings. 8am to 12pm

Southbound 55 Between Katella & 17th St.

Santa Ana, CaliforniaAug 19, 20110 Comments

During afternoon rush hour on the S/B 55, a motorcycle cop with radar gun will sit on the right shoulder or in the center divider to target cars coming over a rise or out of a bend in the freeway.

17th between Flower and Bristol

Santa Ana, CaliforniaApr 28, 20110 Comments

Motorcycle cop sits on the north side of 17th st on a side street with radar gun. I see him catch speeders all the time. Usually they are going west on 17th.

Warner Ave E. of Bristol

Santa Ana, CaliforniaJun 14, 20100 Comments

Where the road curves, the speed limit drops from 45 to 40. There is a motorcycle cop who hides either on the side streets along the curve, or at the riverbed entrance with a radar gun.

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