Harrington, Delaware Speed Traps
Route 14, just east of Route 13
Out of towners are especially vulnerable. There is a section on Route 14 going West, where the speed limit drops from 40 to 35 to 25 in less than 30 seconds. If you are traveling west, you can see the police. However, if you are traveling east, you can’t see them until you are right in front of them. There are trees hiding the lot. AND, there is aggressive enforcement. Harrington has collected over $400,000 so far this year for traffic infractions, and their projection is $450,000 for the year!!!! For a city with a population of 3,793, the term “aggressive” may be too kind.
Royal Farms on 13
Harrington Police sit in the parking and aim their Laser Gun. The Royal Farm Management known they sit their daily or 24 hours a day 90% of the time. They have not given them permission to sit in their lot. I ask the management if they had a written consent to sit on this their daily, he state no. Is it legal for them to sit and aim for a parking lot of a gas station?
Farmington Rd just past Rd 316
Rd 316 behind the casino to right on Farmington rd. Just off corner police sit off corner in front of power transformers. They are concealed because of corn growing right now. They are regularly there! Will ticket you then advise you to fight it. They target out of state tags also. Was informed of this fact by local who has 3 relatives in Delaware State police.
State Route 13 near US Highway 13
Signs warn of speed limits as you approach the area. Most people ignore these, but the local police Strictly enforce the limits within the town jurisdiction. If the sign says 35 mph, you will not get away at 41 mph. They will stop you and you will Pay!
State Route Route 13 near State Route Route 14
Going NB on Rt. 13 through Harrington. When you pass through the intersection of Rt.13 and Rt. 14. The police always sit on the left side of the road right where the McDonalds is. This is where you are in a 35M.P.H zone, but you see the sign ahead for the 45 M.P.H zone.They will stop you if you are going 10 over in th 35 zone. They are always there.