Cape Coral, Florida Speed Traps

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veterans Parkway near country club

Cape Coral, FloridaSep 27, 20070 Comments

past toll booth heading west just past del prado on ramp, cop with radar hiding behind cement wall on right, motorcyle cops just over incline at country club. see it alot.

Veterans Parkway near Mid Point Bridge Bypass

Cape Coral, FloridaSep 05, 20070 Comments

unmarked car sits on westbound on ramp of veterans pkwy just as you go over mid point bridge. he’s using radar and trapping speeders going west over the bridge just after toll booth and before del prado exit ramp. he can’t be seen unless you’re going eastbound to ft myers…

Veterans Parkway near Pine Island Road

Cape Coral, FloridaSep 03, 20070 Comments

Unmarked police vehichles are constantly prowling on Veteran’s between Surfside and Pine Island Road (Near Sandoval), especially during the rush hour periods.

Veterans Parkway near Del Prado Boulevard

Cape Coral, FloridaAug 03, 20070 Comments

Motorcycle cop sits in this location quite often. Almost impossible to see going west bound after crossing the bridge.

Veterans Parkway near Caloosahatchie River

Cape Coral, FloridaJul 25, 20070 Comments

Approaching the toll plaza from Fort Myers, the spped drops rapidly and police routinely patrol area for speeders. On Friday 7/20/07 they stopped 81 vehicles between 10pm and 2am

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