Port Orange, Florida Speed Traps

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Williamson Blvd. South of I-95 overpass

Port Orange, FloridaMar 19, 20100 Comments

Cops like to sit just south of the I-95 overpass on the west side of the road catching people as they come over the overpass. Usually at night.

Town West Blvd.

Port Orange, FloridaMar 19, 20100 Comments

A cop is frequently facing east on Town West in a break in the median in front of the new firehouse. Seen at varying times. Speed limit is 35 unfortunately.

Commonwealth Blvd.

Port Orange, FloridaMar 06, 20100 Comments

Sits on Commonwealth at the railroad tracks in the parking with a hand held gun. Can get you from both directions

Spruce Creek Rd. & Nova Rd.

Port Orange, FloridaMar 06, 20101 Comments

Sits in front of the dry cleaners watching as you come through the s curves on Spruce Creek Rd. When you see him, too late. 30mph zone

Herbert St. and S. Nova Rd.

Port Orange, FloridaMar 01, 20101 Comments

Cops waiting and watching you leave the Port Hole.

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