Villa Rica, Georgia Speed Traps
State Highway HWY 78 near State Highway HWY 61
Villa Rica sits on the curb in front of the Martin’s Restaurant- they radar cars -the speed limit is 35–Villa Rica will DRAIN your wallet on charges!
daniel and berry Road near south carroll Road
villa rica police park on daniel road and shoot berry road for a long distance till berry runs into careful it appears to be one of v rica’s honey holes.
Berry Road near State Route hwy 61
Parked on other side of hill not in veiw until you go over hill
Liberty Road near US Highway 61
Not as much a speed trap as they are looking for people running a 3 way stop there. The city has a nice downtown area with a only a fews ways in and out of town which they patrol heavily on friday and saturday night always have license checks to catch party goers I am done with going there .
Berry Drive near South Carroll Street
If you turn off of 61N and go behind the Wal-Mart on South Carroll Street and then turn R. on Berry past the Wildwood Apartments, you go down a hill on Berry. The posted speed is 35, but you have to brake to keep your speed at 35. The city police sit anywhere on the road or in the woods. It is a wooded area with one subdivision there, so it isn’t like you are in a populated area. This is a cut-through to I20, so I’m sure people speed, but 35 seems too slow.