Energy, Illinois Speed Traps
On Rt 148 South of Energy, IL within the Herrin City limits
The village of Energy IL sets up daily speed traps WITHIN the city limits of Herrin. My experience is that you have to be traveling AT OR BELOW the posted speed limit to avoid a ticket….sometimes even that doesn’t matter. Energy police department is abnormally large for a village of less than a thousand in population. FUNDING is the motivation.
IL 148 near IL 13
Energy police sit near the intersection of IL148 and IL13 around 3pm to 5pm. There are times when there are as many a 3 or 4 cars doling out tickets.
Rt 148
Speed goes from 45 to 35 for no reason for about a 1/2 mile. The village of 1000 people has 5 Police cars and most of the town budget comes from unsuspecting speaders.
Collage Drive
at the 4 way stop on east collage street. down past the village park. the cop hides between apartment buildings, make sure you stop all the way at the 4 way stop and go very slow on this road.
State Route 148 near State Route 13
Going south on 148 in to Energy headed towards Rt 13, speed limits change up and down.