Hometown, Illinois Speed Traps

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87th and SW Highway (Hometown shopping center lot)

Hometown, IllinoisOct 01, 20120 Comments

Some Popo was hiding out in the parking lot. There is a stop sign that was in the parking lot that leads into the little neighborhood streets, so I stopped. He pulls over and tells me I’m getting written up. I said to him, “Sir, I stopped in ample time so the children and pedestrians could cross.” DANG IT……I’m sure that’s what he thought because then he says some accusation that I was trying to put my seatbelt on at the stop. I said, “My seatbelt was on the entire time. Don’t believe me? There’s a camera on there. Go look at it.” He didn’t think I could outsmart him. So he let me go. Don’t get me wrong, I have tremendous respect for cops and law enforcement…..respect for the ones that actually help the law and want to protect the community. I don’t have respect for the ones who try to write tickets left and right for the sake of man power. I don’t have respect for the ones who blast their sirens just to get into somewhere for their convenience. I care about cops who don’t abuse their power.

Main Street and 89th Place

Hometown, IllinoisApr 08, 20100 Comments

Sits on 89th clocking west bound traffic, trucks beware.

Southwest Highway Road

Hometown, IllinoisApr 28, 20090 Comments

Marked cars will sit in the parking lot, sometimes parked with other cars to hide a little more. They are almost impossible to see coming from the west. Speed Limit is 35 and many people drive much faster than that down this street. Hometown is very strict and stick to their quotas.

Harwood Avenue near 183rd Street

Hometown, IllinoisMar 23, 20082 Comments

Harwood Ave. South of 183rd St. is a tricky trap. The limit is 25 which seems too low, but the deceitful maneuver is that there are speed limit signs attached to a flashing yellow light that make you THINK the limit is 25 "only when flashing", but in effect it’s 25 at all times, even when the lights aren’t flashing (which is most of the time). Squad car likes to sit by the skate park and also the park farther South. Pure deceit and trickery in motion here.

Ridge Road near Ridge Road

Hometown, IllinoisMar 17, 20081 Comments

Entrance to Lions Pool on Ridge Road (about 1/4 mile west of Halsted Ave). Very hard to see squad car.

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