Joliet, Illinois Speed Traps
Black Rd. East of Frontage Rd. West of Essington Rd.
Joliet pd squad car will sit in the Troy Craughwell elementary school parking lot clocking drivers going East/ West on Black Rd (usually during evening/night time). On occasion there will be a squad car sitting at either Big Timber Dr. (across from the school), or the Fred C Dames funeral home on the corner of Essington, and Black Rd.
All of I-55, Especially Between Joilet and Springfield
Just took a trip from Chicago to St. Louis, and wanted to warn everyone that I-55 is crawling with state troopers, using both cars and motorcycles. Seemed like one trooper every few miles on the entire route. Be smart, don’t go too fast and slow down at overpasses/on-ramps. I didn’t go much over the speed limit unless I was in the middle of a pack of cars that were all going the same speed. Never be the lead car, though, make sure others are in front of you.
McDonough Avenue near Hammes Avenue
People do 40-50 mph up and down McDonough all day long.
Theodore Road near Essington Road
Officer in opposing direction of traffic U-Turns and issues tickets successively in sting operations.