Marengo, Illinois Speed Traps
East side of town on Rt. 20.
They sit in an empty parking lot near the Road Ranger Gas Station shooting both directions. They also sit along the road by Joe’s Place and speed check coming into town 50 mph down to 35mph in a very short distance.
Rte 20 west of downtown
cops sit in the dark on both sides of the road as the speed limit changes from 55 to 50 to 40 to 30, depending on which way youre going. often there is a chase car too.
State Route 23 near County Trunk Coral Rd.
The speed limit has changed between just South of Coral Rd. (Pleasant Grove Rd.) and Town. It is now 45. Watch yourselves! They are.
North Prospect Street near US Highway 176
The State and local police will sit in the entrance of the Deerpass subdivision by the park. He will sit back far enough (in the dark) and catch speeders on 176 when the speed limit changes from 45 m.p.h. to 35 m.p.h.
Prospect Street near US Highway 20
30 mph speed limit through industrial area and open land. Cops hide behind trees, etc. regularly.