Roselle, Illinois Speed Traps

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Roselle Road near Devon Avenue

Roselle, IllinoisJun 23, 20080 Comments

Officers are stationed betweeen Irving Park road and Turner park.

roselle Road near Irving park Road

Roselle, IllinoisMay 20, 20081 Comments

Heading north or south on Roselle Rd. between Lake st. and Irving Park rd. At night you are dead meat.. road is dead so don’t speed they are waiting for you…limit changes from 40 to 35 to 30 to 40mph F**cking stupid. Confusing.

central Avenue near gary Avenue

Roselle, IllinoisMay 20, 20080 Comments

They have been sitting here since high school (10 YRS)
SPEED LIMIT IS 45 traffic is 55-65 easy.

Foster Avenue near Spring Street

Roselle, IllinoisSep 11, 20070 Comments

Officers use moving and stationary radar as well as laser speed enforcemnt in the area all along Foster. They sit in the grass at Lexington as well as side streets. Usually during high traffic, before and after school, rush hour,etc.

Irving Park Road near Springhill Drive

Roselle, IllinoisJul 22, 20070 Comments

A Roselle officer often sits on the south side of Irving Park Road just west of the Roselle/Medinah border. He can sit on Pinecroft or Springhill Roads, or also in a business parking lot. He’s pretty well hidden. He mostly is looking for people entering Roselle from Medinah, but it’s still hard to see him when heading east. Slow down when entering/leaving Roselle on Irving Park road.

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