Indianapolis, Indiana Speed Traps

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Interstate 465 Southbound near 56th Street

Indianapolis, IndianaMay 01, 20070 Comments

troopers like to sit under 56 street overpass with their door open looking back pointing thier radar guns!

Interstate 465 near Exit Number Beech Grove

Indianapolis, IndianaMay 01, 20070 Comments

Unmarked police car stops Semi’s. Every day.

Interstate 465 near Keystone Avenue

Indianapolis, IndianaApr 30, 20070 Comments

Carmel police constantly sit on I-465 between Meridian and Keystone on the north side of Indy. There is a large sign indicating traffic conditions in the middle of the interstate, they sit under this a lot. They also wedge themselves between the wall in the middle of the interstate so that you can’t see them until it is too late. Warning: Carmel police have no mercy.

Pennsylvania Street near 46th Street

Indianapolis, IndianaApr 30, 20070 Comments

West of 46th Street. Motorcycle patrolman with radar gun. Targets any car going over the posted 30 miles per hour.

Lafayette Road near 30th Street

Indianapolis, IndianaJan 16, 20070 Comments

I like to sit at the bottom of the bridge south of 34th st, on the 30th st. side of the bridge, and us my moving/stationary radar (as do the IPD traffic officers) to look for speeding vehicles. Traffic officers will stop everybody (including their own mother) and write a ticket. Me, I would rather give a warning by turning on my lights to tell somebody to slow down. Or, if I know them as the local dirt-bag dope dealers, then I have a reason to stop and talk to them. Not all of us write a ton of tickets, and usually (with the exceptions of the traffic guys in school zones) a nice attitude goes a long way.

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