Jeffersonville, Indiana Speed Traps
Port Road the ENTIRE Length (Port to Interstate)
It’s posted at 30 mph the entire length from the factories all the way to Interstate I-265. It’s heavily patrolled by marked & unmarked county, city & state police. The County’s Prosecuting Attorney said “the Port owns the entire road” & ‘it’s to control the speed of the trucks going in & out of the Port’. Most state laws would describe the (3 miles est.) from “Middle Rd to the Interstate” be posted at 45 mph. In 9 years of using that road, I’ve never seen DOT (Truck Cops) patrol it. You can often follow the police exceeding the posted limit (without lights or siren) but be careful, they’re not opposed to stopping you for following them & exceeding the limit.
highway 62, near Eastbrook Blvd. (Aldi’s)
the huge monstrosity they just built, which is horrible looking and has no aesthetic qualities whatsoever, is a new traffic light with cameras in every direction. You can’t miss it, it’s big, black and ugly. Take heed.
After you cross the Ohio river into Indiana from Kentucky
The speed limit changes as you cross over the bridge into Indiana to 55 mph. As you enter Indiana, the state troopers will be waiting on you as you exit a curve. They may be unmarked, trucks or cars. Anything over 60 is considered a $152.00 ticket.
On the Bridge and right off the Bridge
The trap is the speed limit is 50 on the bridge and off the bridge going north out of Kentucky until the eastern blvd. exit ramp.
I-65 Expressway near Mile Marker 6
The Indiana Hiway Patrol sits just past the spot where the south bound speed limit drops from 70 to 55. There are four lanes in either direction so it is easy to miss the 55 mph signs if traffic is heavy. The cops form up like a pack of jackels and pick off cars with out of state plates.