Derby, Kansas Speed Traps
On K-15 headed S out of Derby
They like to sit in the middle of the road in complete darkness right as you are leaving town just shortly before you hit the 60 mph sign. The car is usually facing S so that way they can get you either leaving or coming into town. If you are heading N into town the speed goes from 60 to 45.
Rock Road
This trap is located on the north side of Derby on Rock road. Right now the area is under contruction and they are nailing people in "work zones" late a night when no workers are present. The fines double. Derby’s ticket revenue has gone up 48% in three years as it is writing many more tickets.
71st St. South & Community or El Paso Dr.
Cops sit at the stopsigns of the cross streets, waiting for you to speed by. Difficult to see them until it is too late, since there are trees and homes near the street.