Mission, Kansas Speed Traps
Interstate 35 near 18th St./Trfwy
Kansas State Police, or Mission Police will sit on I-35, or ramp from 18th ST.–Northbound I-35 beware. Motorcycle cop especially. Sometimes between I-635 & Southwest Trfwy
Interstate 35 near 635 Overpass
Mission collects more in speeding ticket fines that in property taxes (about $1 million/year). I-35 is a particular hotbed… motorcycle cops sit on the 635 overpass picking off car after car. Also be exceptionally careful on Lamar, Foxridge, and any area near apartment complexes. Use mostly radar guns but some units are equiped a/ Laser.
Interstate 35 near Lamar Avenue
Two Mission motorcycle officers will usually set up shop on the lamar overpass and clock northbound I-35 traffic with the lasers. They routinely do enforcement in this area between 2-5 each afternoon. Speed limit is 60 mph, so be really careful in this area!
Interstate 35 near Metcalf Avenue
This applies to vehicles going NB on I-35. The police officer will hide on the exit ramp from Metcalf Avenue and nail speeders going over 60 miles per hour on I-35. They especially like to pull over vehicles getting off of the highway and onto the Lamar exit as the city limits do not stretchj that far at all on I-35.
Johnson Drive near Behind Midas, school parking lot on south side of street
Mission Police crusier was parked in school parking lot. Traffic was accelerating away from stop light. Cop was between two lights on right side of road in school parking lot behind Midas. Cop said I was doing 42 in 30 MPH zone. There are no speed limit signs posted before the lights. Area is visibly busy with commercial signs which would make it hard to impossible to see signs if they are there anyway. Local merchant told me they are being real "picky lately" about speeding on this piece of street.