Shawnee, Kansas Speed Traps
State Highway 7 near Shawnee Mission Parkway
They sit under the bridge.
State Highway 7 near Johnson Drive
Officers like to park in the median on K-7 between the northbound and southbound lanes without any sort of lights on. I’ve seen them numerous times just south of K-7 and Johnson just after the crest.
Shawnee Mission Parkway near Interstate 435
Officers will be stationed in the median targeting those eastbound on Shawnee Mission Parkway, as they’ve come off I-435 and onto the Parkway, they find themselves on another divided road that looks for all the world like a 65 speed limit road. It’s not…it goes down to 55, and a cop will be stationed in the median or under the first bridge. A mile further up the road, the speed limit goes down again to 45, and often a motorcycle cop will be shooting hapless motorists like fish in a barrel as they drive into the sun in the AM.
Shawnee Mission Parkway near Interstate 35
Officers will practically invisible behind trees near the Long John Silvers, targeting motorists coming down the hill westbound after crossing bridge over I-35 or hot-rodding it onto the parkway after coming off the exit ramp from southbound I-35. This is a 45 speed zone but if you don’t pay attention it’s easy to find yourself going 55+
Johnson Drive near Interstate 435
Cops like to sit east of I-435 bridge and get drivers coming down very long hill, when coasting, easily exceed the 40 mph speed limit.