Shawnee, Kansas Speed Traps
W.65th Street near Jaycee Drive
Watch the area of Jaycee and 65th street. Shawnee PD likes to hide in the north parking lot of Gum Springs Park. They are usually looking for people running the stop sign where the streets intersect. The speed limit on 65th is 25MPH, but i’ve gone through there at 40 MPH, and never got stopped, so typically they dont do speed enforcement through there.
Pflumm Road near Blackfish Parkway
Shawnee PD routinely runs speed checks at this location. The activity is very noticeable between 3pm and 7pm. Speed limit is 30 mph, I got fined for doing over 50 mph and didnt see the officer anywhere until it was too late. Be careful, they typically hide in the cul de sac at 70th terr and pflumm.
W.67th Street near Pflumm Road
Shawnee PD runs alot of speed enforcement on 67th between Quivira and Pflumm. The will nab you by means of "moving radar"(where the officer will be driving the opposite direction than what you’re traveling, and will U-turn if there is a speeding motorist). The speed limit is 30 through there, and I’ve been caught doing over 40, and they will issue fines. Heads up!
Johnson Drive between Pflumm and I-435 especially around Maurer
Police will routinely set up traps on either side of Maurer. There have been as many as three police cars at a time. They will also park (hidden) in private driveways along that stretch of Pflumm. Twice I have seen the police (in car and on motorcycle) make u-turns to get speeders going the other direction. This is an extremely hilly section of Johnson Drive and it is not hard to get going fast down the hills. RIDE THOSE BRAKES! The speed limit is 35mph.
Johnston Drive – East of I-435
Police are always pulling over vehicles on this stretch of Johnson Drive in Shawnee. If you are heading East (just after the I-435 interchange) they will be on either side of the road starting at Mauer Road (just before the hills). They also like to sit in a driveway at the bottom of the first hill (next to the lake) behind brush. They will stop and pull in front of oncoming traffic to pull over anyone going over the 40 MPH in this 35 MPH zone. I drive on this road everyday and see cars being pulled over every other day! To avoid the financial pain, I would suggest that you stay at 35 MPH until Rosehill (about two to three miles from I-435).