Abbeville, Louisiana Speed Traps
State Highway 14 Bypass near State Highway LA338 Hardy Memorial Dr
Also known as Veteran’s Memorial Drive. Long, flat 5 lane state highway, not in the greatest condition now, but the speed limit has been 45 since they first paved the road.
On the big curve between the new Walgreen’s (Hardy Memorial Drive) and Wildcat Drive, there are a number of places for a cruiser to hide. The unmarked cars (usually Fords) are often parked IN the Bay City Ford used car area, with radar on. Occasionally, they will come out to get you, but they usually just radio ahead to another car down the road. With the shopping centers right there, they can park at a number of places in those parking lots (where they do not have to have their lights on, BTW) and actually see you from the Hardy Memorial intersection to east of Blockbuster.