Robeline, Louisiana Speed Traps
Westbound LA-6 at eastern city limit
Thought this trap needed an update since it caught me in July 2020. After a curve that hides the warning sign until the last possibly instant, you have a very VERY short interval to drop your speed from 55 to 35, and you will be on radar immediately upon entering the city limit (if not before). I thought I had decelerated in plenty of time but not according to the Chief Revenue Officer of the Village of Robeline. I suspect my new car and Texas plates had more to do with it than my speed. Lastly, you will probably be told that a guilty plea and the payment of the absurd fine ($327) will result in a booking on a non-moving violation that does not get reported to the DMV (and thus your insurance company). Of course, if you choose to contest the ticket, no such accommodation will be made. Pure revenue scheme, wish I had known about it but I guess Robeline is legendary in Louisiana for this, as 86% of Robeline revenues are generated through traffic fines.
La Hwy 6 and La hwy 120 intersection
Small town in central Louisiana. Has 4 police officers. From where I sit everyday, I see at least 10 stops a day and that is just on the one side of town that I am on. If you enter Robeline you need to be going at least 5 under the speed limit. The officers sit in different spots at each end of town on Hwy 6 and pounce on unsuspecting travelers.
Robeline, La
The lil ole town of Robeline. House sits to the right on an incline; clocking cars speed as the limit goes from 55 to 45 within one traffic sign. When you call the court house the secretary is offended if you mention or comment about this.
Robeline, LA
Robeline has long been known as a pathetic little speed trap so carefully obey the speed limits and help put them out of business.
Coming from Natchitches, Louisiana go into Robeline on Hwy 6
Out of state drivers beware of speed traps in Robeline. Speed limit drops from 55mph, to 45mph, and then to 35mph in a short distance. If you have an out of state license plate on a nice vehicle, it really dosen’t matter if your not speeding, cause you are going to get a ticket for speeding, if you are stopped.