Bel Air, Maryland Speed Traps

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Moores Mill Road

Bel Air, MarylandMay 09, 20040 Comments

Police sit in one of the two entrances in Southampton Middle school. By the time you get to the school it’s already too late since they can be well hidden in the first entrance.

Old Joppa Road near Hollingsworth Road

Bel Air, MarylandFeb 10, 20040 Comments

As you crest the hill heading towards Rt. 152 radar is sitting on the right hand side at the entrance to the development. You can’t see the officer until it’s too late. Speed limit sign isn’t visible until after you’ve been hit.

Rt.22 (Churchville Road) entering Town

Bel Air, MarylandJul 15, 20031 Comments

Officers will be on the shoulder of road as you crest the hill, just past Shamrock Road. Speed limit quickly changes from 45 to 30 mph.

Ring Factory Rd., between Rt. 924 and Rt. 24

Bel Air, MarylandJun 04, 20030 Comments

Pulled into street on northern side, usually in afternoon in spring and summer

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