Havre De Grace, Maryland Speed Traps

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Intersection Road 155 (Level Rd) & Road 161 (Darlington Rd)

Havre De Grace, MarylandAug 06, 20180 Comments

When you travel west bound, from I-95 toward Route 1. You come to stop sign with flashing red lights. Cop stops you as soon as you turn right, claiming you did not come to complete stop. They hide behind trees, so you don’t see them ahead of time. They may give you a warning, but this is a chance for them to give you tickets for others things.

Rt 40 bridge Havre de Grace

Havre De Grace, MarylandMar 06, 20110 Comments

This is not a speed trap.
The Police stand at the tool boths and pull you over for not wearing your seat belts, front seat passengers included.

Chapel Rd past circle at Bulley Rock entrance

Havre De Grace, MarylandAug 21, 20100 Comments

Before Going into circle the speed limit is 35 M P H it lowers to 25 M P H inside the circle after leaving the circle an almost emediate very steep long hill over 1/4 mile long the speed limit stays 25 M P H.You have to ride your brakes all the way down to avoid speeding.There are no houses or entrances going into Chapel Rd. The police set on the next hill shooting Radar near the bottom of the hill.The speed limit has always been 35 M P H here and the road was full of pot holes and overhanging limbs.They widened the road and put curbs and lots of improvements.It looks like a super Highway then they lowered the speed limit to 25.Is this a deliberate speed trap or what?

Lewis Lane @ Anderson Ave.

Havre De Grace, MarylandMar 25, 20100 Comments

Several officers have been standing at the intersection across from entrance to Middle School with radar pointing towards bridge coming off Rt 40 to catch speeders coming down the hill past rec. center.

Interstate I-95

Havre De Grace, MarylandDec 13, 20070 Comments

Trap located on I-95 between the Aberdeen exit and Havre de Grace exit, closer to the HdG exit (89). There is a break in the highway (stating ‘Authorized Vehicles Only’) where often cops sit with radar ready. They radar both North and South bound. They are mainly there during morning and evening rush hours, but sometimes at any time of day. Be cautious regardless!

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