Hunt Valley, Maryland Speed Traps

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York Road near Railroad Avenue

Hunt Valley, MarylandSep 13, 20080 Comments

Two police bikes stationed at the intersection of York Rd and Railroad Av. This is the first road, that slants to the right, if heading south on York, after you cross the bridge.

York Road near Wight Avenue

Hunt Valley, MarylandDec 13, 20070 Comments

they sit in the long & foster parking lot and get you coming northbound down the hill

Beaver Dam Road near Gilroy Road

Hunt Valley, MarylandOct 10, 20070 Comments

After you pass the light at Gilroy Road before Warren Rd there are usually 2 white unmarked Bal Co Police who sit near the Chase Hotel parking lot on the Right. Speed Limit is 35 so be careful. They monitor both directions.

Interstate 83 near Exit Number 20

Hunt Valley, MarylandJul 13, 20060 Comments

They catch you on 83 north and south. it is located just north of the Shawan Rd exit.Down the big hill in the middle of the road. You can see them but you have to be looking. Watch out for the ol’ hood and truck lids in the air, they hide the lights a make you think they are a car broken down.

Ridgland Road near Cranbrook Road

Hunt Valley, MarylandJul 13, 20060 Comments

This one is along a downgrade on Cranbrook Rd heading west towards York Road after passing Lakespring Way. Cranbrook Rd will veer left and from there it is downhill. On either side of Cranbrook Rd after the left, there will be marked police cars sitting in the apartment complexes with radar guns. If you are not paying attention, it is easy to exceed 50 mph (posted speed limit being 30 mph). I use this road daily and they will give you a 10 mph cushion but if you exceed it, you will be caught. This one is easily visible but pay attention when driving down this road.

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