Franklin, Massachusetts Speed Traps

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Washington Street near grove Street

Franklin, MassachusettsSep 18, 20040 Comments

there is an old white church right past the washington st grove st juncture where a cop is sometimes hidding behind the fence to catch anyone going into or coming out of the big curve in the road

Summer Street near King Street

Franklin, MassachusettsMay 17, 20040 Comments

9:30pm 57 mph in a 40mph posted zone… came over a hill and cop was facing me on left side in a clearing. ALL LIGHTS WERE OFF! and my Cobra Radar did not detect him until after i received my 170$ ticket! I belive it is entrapment to not be visual at that time of night. Plus he claims to have got me on radar yet my radar didnt go off until he was about to leave.

State Route 140 near Exit Number 17

Franklin, MassachusettsApr 01, 20040 Comments

Across the street from jiffy lube in franklin (its right off of 495, exit 17) there is a knights of columbus, there is almost ALWAYS a cop parked there to see if anyones speeding since its a nice straight stretch of road and its EASY to go over 40 mph (the posted speed limit)

King St, south of 495 Exit 16

Franklin, MassachusettsMar 27, 20030 Comments

From April through November, police frequently station a patrol to stop (usually) southbound traffic in a stretch of road before Washington street. The road is posted at 40mph but it’s very easy to be going at 50 mph when coming off 495.

Allisha Drive and Chestnut Street

Franklin, MassachusettsMay 01, 20010 Comments

The officer stands outside the car with a K-band radar gun and shoots it at you as you come into sight.Coming from Norfolk you cannot see him until it is to late.

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