Leominster, Massachusetts Speed Traps
Top of Rte I-190, on the Rte 2 West Ramp
When 190 splits off for Rte 2 West, the speed limit drops to 50, and the Staty sits at the bottom of the hill, on a little paved pull-off on the right
Corner of Grant & Biscayne
Police Sit at Forest Avenue waiting for cars to come down hill. Most cars pick up speed as they drive down the steep hill, so it is a pretty sure thing most cars are going at least a little over the limit at this point.
Forest Avenue is a private dirt road across from Biscayne Street, offering a good spot for the cruiser to sit out of sight until it is too late.
Biscayne St (Grant St end)
A cruiser sits near the stop sign on Biscayne Street and gets the cars coming down from the curve on Grant St. Sometimes they hide in the first driveway or behind a car that’s parked on the street.
Rt 13 (Main St.) at Johnny Appleseed School
Posted speed in the school zone is 20 mph indicated by a flashing sign. Just before school opens for the day, the officer will sit in the driveway of a home just north of the school exit with radar.
Rte 12 Central St
Southbound on Rte 12 in parking lot across from Marguerite Avenue