New Bedford, Massachusetts Speed Traps

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Interstate 195W

New Bedford, MassachusettsApr 01, 20010 Comments

Black unmarked state police car in breakdown lane like a broken down car

Rt. 140 south

New Bedford, MassachusettsMar 01, 20010 Comments

After exit 7 the highway curves right, statie hides right around that corner.

Shawmut Ave

New Bedford, MassachusettsMar 01, 20010 Comments

Cop stands on corner of Loftus St and Shawmut Ave. Speed limit is 30 mph(not posted) and will pull you over going 35 mph. Not really enforced in winter time. Warm weather they will pull at least 25 cars a day over and ticket 90% of them.

West Rodney French Blvd.

New Bedford, MassachusettsMar 01, 20010 Comments

There are 4 seperate traps that anytim of day are there. All are travelling north to south. The first is in Ocean Side Plaza (this is mostly at night). He hides with car up against furthest wall. The second is 20 Fort down the road in the Furniture City receiving area. State troopers have been known to be there. The third is 5 feet away behind the hurricane dike. Popular for both staties and NB cops. The last is by the boat ramp near what used to be the pumping station. This is mostly day time.

Route 18 N under rail road bridge

New Bedford, MassachusettsMar 01, 20010 Comments

under the rail road bridge on rt 18 n is either a local or a state trooper 95% of the time. the will pull anyone over doing above the posted speed limit of 50 on this highway

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