Sudbury, Massachusetts Speed Traps
Rt. 20 at Lotus Blossom
The police will sit in the parking lot on the west side of Lotus Blossom in the driveway of an old garage – hard to see them since the road has a slight turn not long before there.
117 at sudbury fire station
watch out on 117 at the fire station u usaualy wont see them going west but going east u will see him beside the fire station
Goodmans Hill Road Street near Nashoba Road
Cruiser sits on Nashoba Road, sometimes back about 10 feet.
Dutton Road near Gris Mill
Just as you turn onto Dutton after passing the Gris Mill, you will pass a church. The next driveway on your left (paved) is the spot where the cop sits. There are a lot of spots on Dutton, and it’s always swarming with cops.
State Route 27 near Ward Road
This was 04/02/07 around 7:45pm right as it was dark – the police car was right up against the fence – parallel to the vinyl fence and route 27 – in what looks to be a private lawn with all the lights off. This place is just south of Fairbanks Road on Route 27 and near Marlboro Road. I was pulled over near there about 18 years ago, so this is a long standing favorite place for them. The Sudbury police are looking to get a new police station and their tax override just failed for the new station – so they must be trying to raise money. For the size of the town they seem to have a lot of officers to write tickets as the crime rate is not high in the town.