Grand Rapids, Michigan Speed Traps

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I-96 @ Fruitridge

Grand Rapids, MichiganJul 31, 20020 Comments

When heading east on I-96 just over the hill east of Fruitridge. There always seems to be a cop sitting in the median at the crest of the hill and you can’t see him til’ it’s too late.

I-96 @ East Belt Line exit & I-96 @ Fuller Ave Exit – the whole area

Grand Rapids, MichiganJul 01, 20010 Comments

State, County & City police are all in on the act, almost always sitting in the median on crossover roads or behind the posts on overhead bridges. Locals know what to look for. From downtown GR to far east suburbs, keep your eyes open. Patrol cars may be dark blue, white, multicolored, anything goes. With & without roof flashers.

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