Grandville, Michigan Speed Traps

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Baldwin between 44the Street & Chicago Drive

Grandville, MichiganJun 26, 20130 Comments

Be careful any time you are on Baldwin between these 2 streets, even if you see someone has already been pulled over. It starts as Ottawa County & then becomes Kent County & Grand ville city limits. All 3 of the jurisdictions will team up together. They will hide by an abandoned house, in the woods, the apartment complexes, on the hill & in the church parking lot.

28th Street b/w Byron Center and Ivanrest

Grandville, MichiganNov 18, 20110 Comments

There is a Grandville cop in the U Rent It parking lot just before the Buick Dealership. Usually there around 11pm to 3am (Bar Traffic). Speed limit got raised to 50mph not too long ago. Make sure do the speed limit.

Wilson & Henry

Grandville, MichiganMar 07, 20110 Comments

Patrol vehicle sits on Henry and targets northbound cars. This is a 4 lane 25mph zone. You won’t get pulled over unless you are doing 40 mph or better. I have seen cars doing 50+ in that area so he is plenty busy with the 40mph people.

Kenowa Ave just south of I96 at the Mormon Church

Grandville, MichiganJan 17, 20110 Comments

Ottawa County used to sit in the church parking lot located in Kent County. (county line) Now the City of Wyoming raised the speed limit from 40 to 50 mph. Many tickets have been given there. Now the cops don’t sit there anymore. I guess they have been converted.

Chicago Drive between Wilson and the Grandvilla Dungeon

Grandville, MichiganJul 07, 20100 Comments

On Chicago Drive between Wilson and the Grandvilla Dungeon there is that Gas station that closed down. I have seen a cop sitting in that empty gas station parking lot a number of times.

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