Howell, Michigan Speed Traps

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Grand River at Burkhart

Howell, MichiganOct 06, 20130 Comments

West bound Grand River at Burkhart, 4 stops in lat half hour at construction zone

I 96/ exit 133

Howell, MichiganSep 29, 20130 Comments

I 96, 1 mile west of exit 133. Police in the median and fairly hidden.

Off Hughes Rd on dead end street or boat launch near Grand R

Howell, MichiganSep 18, 20120 Comments

Howell and Livingston County Sheriff cars occasionally park on a short dead end road or at the community boat launch lot off Hughes Road near Grand River (Wilson Marine). Usually they park there in the morning to catch unwary motorists. The speed limit drops from 35 mph to 25 mph just before a curve. The area is residential and during the summer months there is a lot of foot traffic so the reduced speed limit is justified. Lots of trees effectively hides the police cars. I got caught on my way to work.

1-96 near 141

Howell, MichiganMay 26, 20101 Comments

Approaching exit 141, close to 1 mile before the exit, the median ends and there is usually an officer sitting behind the wall, you cannot see them until after your past the spot. This is mainly for Westbound traffic but possible for Eastbound. Looking for higher-speed drivers, this is 1/2 mile before the crossover spot.

M-59 between Michigan and Eager roads

Howell, MichiganApr 22, 20101 Comments

West bound from Eager road to Michigan on M-59 the speed limit reduces from 55 to 35. Police have been seen around the Mobil gas station waiting for speeders. East bound towards Michigan avenue the speed limit changes from 55 to 35 and police will wait past the light to see if you exceed the limit.

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