Marquette, Michigan Speed Traps

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Division Street near Trailer Park

Marquette, MichiganApr 27, 20060 Comments

There is often either a Marquette City car, or sometimes a State trooper sitting in a turn around on Division St. in Southern Marquette. It is just north of the trailer park and Joliet Rd. Speed limit is 25 on a road that has the widest lanes ive ever seen, and is very easy to go 35 or 40. Be carefull folks.

Lincoln Avenue

Marquette, MichiganApr 23, 20060 Comments

The cops tend to sit and "hide" in the parking lot of the rental units on the top of Lincoln Avenue.

Wright Street near Tennis Court

Marquette, MichiganMar 30, 20060 Comments

There is almost always a camped cop on the side of the road on Wright street where it changes from 35 to 25. They target both west and eastbound traffic. If travelling west bound (towards US41) they usually hide off the side of the road past the cemetary or on the clark street turnoff. If travelling east bound, they usually hide in the tennis court lot (right when it changes to 25)I’ve seen multiple people pulled over at a time, so in addition to camped units, they patrol by there every once and awhile.

US Highway 41 near Marquette Branch Prison gift shop

Marquette, MichiganMar 30, 20060 Comments

Marquette City police will wait in the old prison gift shop parking lot facing south in the morning, and then facing north in the afternoon to catch people when they are going to and from work. It’s easy to see them when there is no snow, but when there is a 10 ft snowbank it is difficult.

Sugarloaf Avenue Street near Between Wright St. and Hawley St.

Marquette, MichiganMar 29, 20060 Comments

Police hide on East side of street, in parking lot by Mini-storage units, north of NMU campus. Speed is 25. Motorists are often nabbed between 30 & 35. Great revenue stream for the city.

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