Memphis, Michigan Speed Traps
Bordman Rd between Stinson & Cole St, just before Memphis, MI
The speed limit just before Cole Street drops from 45 to 25 m/h, and a city cop sits in wait. The county two-lane road speed limit for the state of Michigan is 55 m/h. I plan to make this cop come to court. I am a law-abiding citizen with zero speeding tickets in at least 30 years and I drive 100,000+ miles a year.
Memphis michigan
They will sit in the old shell station, by the huge pond coming into Memphis. On top of the hill going towards 69 on the right leaving memphis, sometimes in the large church parking lot, and by the school late at night. They end patrol at 12 week nights and 2am on the weekends. Cops have their power hats on so be prepared for a ticket if pulled over. Oh yeah, and watch out for their under cover ford explorers with a bed(can’t think of proper model but its all black.) I’ve lived in Memphis the majority of my life.
any where in memphis
I don’t recommend speeding anywhere in Memphis. The officers have many speed traps that they rotate. By the car wash on m19, at the bottum of the hill on Boardman rd. going east and many more. I suggest keeping the cruise control set in Memphis.
State Highway M-19 near Bordman Street
Coming into Memphis from both directions on M-19, Police patrol those areas all the time and write tickets as a driver transitions from 55 to 35 MPH.
Bordman Road near school
It is on Bordman heading w/b out of the city. The schools sit on the West border and is 25 mph, but quickly turns into 45 while heading out. Most motorist gun it too soon and the Memphis cops sit there and will get you all the time, because it is a school zone. And believe me, you will get a ticket.