Portage, Michigan Speed Traps

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Vincent Avenue

Portage, MichiganSep 10, 20160 Comments

Long, empty stretch with a speed limit of 35 that drops to 25 or even 15 if angling road elementary is in session. Cops hide in the church parking lot or the school parking lot especially on Sunday’s.

Milham Ave (West of Lovers Lane)

Portage, MichiganAug 19, 20130 Comments

Speed limit drops from 40 to 35 and patrol is positioned before the overpass walking bridge

US 131 (Median Near the Centre Ave. Exit)

Portage, MichiganJun 26, 20130 Comments

While commuting early morning, found Portage Police unit using a Laser Gun in emergency median close to the Centre Ave exit. Remember to follow all posted speed limits within Kalamazoo County due to increased traffic enforcement.

Angling Road=35 mph!

Portage, MichiganNov 30, 20120 Comments

On November 26th, I counted two cops cruising along this road. One of those two pulled me over for going 10 over the limit. Since Angling’s limit is a slow, but reasonably safe 35mph, this road can be tempting to go faster than that. Thankfully it was just a warning, but the cop told me that they are thoroughly patrolling all 35 mph zones here in Portage. So, Set your Cruise control or radar detector on all of the 35 mph and slower zones.

Milham Ave. (Stretch from Westnedge Ave. to 12th Street)

Portage, MichiganMar 04, 20120 Comments

The speed limit on milham road is 35 mph starting at westnedge ave. to the roundabout intersection on 12th street. Cops love to cruise up and down the stretch from 12th Street to westnedge ave. Occasionally, there is one cop who sits in the church parking lot entrance past Angling Road during the end of the day. The entrance to the church is hilly so most drivers don’t see the cop until it’s too late.

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