Woodhaven, Michigan Speed Traps
Allen Rd @ Vreeland Rd
Brownie Boys will sit in the dental clinic parking lot on the S/E corner or across Vreeland in the school district office parking lot watching for speeders or drivers running the red light at this intersection.
Northbound Allen Rd.
The Woodhaven PD. sometimes sit in the Belle Tire parking lot facing Southbound to catch Northbounders on Allen Rd. The speed limit is 45mph through that area so watch out. The early morning hours are usually when He`s out there.
Gudith Street near West and King Roads
A police car is usually parked in the parking lot of the Woodhaven Worship Center. He sits far back as not to be seen.
Hall Road near Between West and Van Horn
Speed limit is 25 mph and cops sit in park, or schools parking lots. Also sit near city hall.
Interstate 75 Southbound near Exit Number 32
There is a Woodhaven cop parked over SB I-75 clocking cars. He radios ahead where his cronies are parked and waiting at the SB on-ramp of I-75.