Woodbury, Minnesota Speed Traps

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On Woodlane between Lake and Baily.

Woodbury, MinnesotaMar 28, 20100 Comments

The cops park at the fire station just north of Bailey Rd. The check both directions.

Tamarack Road near Radio Drive

Woodbury, MinnesotaJun 04, 20080 Comments

Tamarack Road between Highway 494 and Woodbury Drive in Woodbury, MN. Woodbury Police monitor this heavily, often with vehicles sitting at several spots at the same time. Officers have also been witnessed on foot, hiding behind obstacles, with radar gun in hand, vehicles hidden well off the main road.

Interstate 94 near Interstate 694/494

Woodbury, MinnesotaJul 16, 20070 Comments

Marked and unmarked squads sit facing East between the 694/494 intersection and the Century Ave exit on the north shoulder. This where the speed limit drops from 70 mph. to 55 mph. Beware the tickets are paid in Cottage grove Minn. and the court has been told not to suspend or lower fines even if you have never had a ticket before.

Interstate 94 near Manning Avenue

Woodbury, MinnesotaJul 06, 20061 Comments

I was nailed yesterday (yes I was speeding, but technically it shouldn’t have mattered because I was going with the speed of traffic). Going west towards Woodbury– two miles or so before the Manning Avenue exit. There were 4 police cars in that general area. I later learned (when I was pulled over) from the officer that they were doing a "speed detail" in the area and that I would indeed be receiving a citation. Be careful! Stay out of the left lane!

Tamarack Drive

Woodbury, MinnesotaJul 03, 20060 Comments

Under cover wehicle – blue chey impala plate mmk719. Not sure if city or state vehicle.

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