Woodbury, Minnesota Speed Traps

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Tamarack Road near Spring Hill Drive

Woodbury, MinnesotaJan 15, 20041 Comments

Heading Westbound on Tamarack Road, watch out. There usually is a cop sitting at this intersection (just east of it) and it appears to be a normal parked car, during the dark night. However not only will he bust you for not dropping from 55 to 45 to 35 (in a stretch of about a mile), come to a complete stop at this seemingly unnecessary four way stop (Tamararck and Spring Hill Drive), for this is a double-whammi. There is sometimes a cop patrolling eastbound Tamarack road as well in that general area.

Upper Afton rd. (near Weir dr.)

Woodbury, MinnesotaFeb 01, 20020 Comments

There are a few of them at these location, as it’s by a small fire station… 1) By school drive, up the roads about 20 feet in the neighborhoods. You can’t see him until your caught, use caution. 2)There’s usually a cop or two parked at the fire station, they’re visible if you look for them. 3)on Upper Afton itself close to Weir, if your on Upper Afton headed towards Weir than it’s a problem, otherwise you can see him fine.

Woodbury Drive (Hwy 19) Between the Cottage Grove Boarder and Dale Rd.

Woodbury, MinnesotaJan 01, 20020 Comments

Cops sit in the Pump House Driveway just North of the Cottage Grove/Woodbury Boarder and get people as they come over the Hill. Posted speed is 55. Usually during the morning rush…ALSO DONT EVEN THINK OF PASSING ON SHOULDERS OR TURN LANES TO PASS TURNING CARS IN WOODBURY OR YOU WILL GET A TICKET! (Yes, from experience)

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