Woodbury, Minnesota Speed Traps

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Valley Creek And Parkwood Dr.

Woodbury, MinnesotaApr 02, 20160 Comments

It is just west of Century Ave. where Lower Afton Turns into Valley Creek. Cops like to park in the Parkwood Dr. and Valley Creek apartment entrances at night with their lights off using a radar gun. This is an area where there are few traffic lights so people often speed. I live in the neighborhood and have personally witnessed the cops sitting at this spot, just waiting to catch speeders.

Intersection of Wooddale Dr and Woodlane Dr in Woodbury

Woodbury, MinnesotaJul 14, 20150 Comments

Cops like to sit in the small business parking lots and watch for speeders coming up both roads. Generally in the evenings

Newbury road east of woodland

Woodbury, MinnesotaOct 09, 20140 Comments

Police sit on side roads in unmarked grey suv and use laser. They usually are looking for traffic heading to woodlane.

Valley Creek Road & Colby Lake Park Entrance

Woodbury, MinnesotaJul 23, 20120 Comments

When going either direction up or down valley creek, a cop almost always sits in the colby lake park entrance or parking lot gunning people. it is a very easy trap to hit, the speed limit is 50 but if you are eastbound (Down the large hill, past Colby Lake Dr. and towards Woodbury Dr.), you will almost always be going above 50 down that hill, and you may naturally speed up to get up the hill if you are going westbound (away from Woodbury Dr.). I see cops here almost every night, and as you know the woodbury police will pull you over for just about anything past 11 P.M. so be very careful while going up or down the hill on Valley Creek between Colby Lake Drive and Woodbury Drive.

Lake Road & Woodlane Drive

Woodbury, MinnesotaAug 06, 20100 Comments

The cop sits anywhere off of Camelot Drive or Stratford Road. He sits in his car gunning all the kids & Parents leaving the High School which is down a little ways off of Woodlane Drive around the corner.
This area goes from 45 mph to 35 mph and back to 45 in a very short distance. It starts at the intersection of Woodlane Drive and continues to just around Wyndham Alcove where it begins back up to 45 mph. They consider this a School Zone area even though you can’t see the school since the school is off of Woodlane and the Speed Trap is off of Lake Road.
The cop will sits right in the area where people begin accelerating back up to 45.

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