Cape Girardeau, Missouri Speed Traps

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Corner of Mt auburn and n Kinghshighway

Cape Girardeau, MissouriNov 26, 20140 Comments

If you are heading to Kinghighway, off to the left behind a small brick sign, radar is shooting at the traffic for mt auburn. easy access to get to kingshighway and mt auburn.

Mt auburn and Wisteria Lane

Cape Girardeau, MissouriNov 26, 20140 Comments

Police sit just off the intersection on wisteria shooting into the MT auburn traffic. If it is dark, you will not see the police sitting there. They are there usually in the evening to night

S Mt Auburn and Percy

Cape Girardeau, MissouriNov 26, 20140 Comments

If you are heading N on Mt Auburn, the police radar will be in the Regions Bank radaring at the traffic, easy exit for them to get into the traffic

Interstate 55 overpasses and median

Cape Girardeau, MissouriApr 24, 20130 Comments

Police cars park on the overpasses on each side approaching Cape and report to cars parked in the medians. Recently there were 4 radars on the overpasses and 2 cars chasing from the medians.

Kingshighway in front of Papa John’s Pizza going south.

Cape Girardeau, MissouriFeb 19, 20110 Comments

Speed limit changes from 45 to 35 close to BI-State Southern gas station going south on Kingshighway. Police sit in Papa John parking and use radar to get people going over 35. See them there quite often.

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