Creve Coeur, Missouri Speed Traps

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SB on Tempo Dr after turing off Olive

Creve Coeur, MissouriMar 24, 20140 Comments

The speed limit is 20mph. Go the speed limit! A squad car sits at the end of the lake and clocks cars as they turn off of Olive.

Mason Manor Road between Bellerive Estates Drive and Mason

Creve Coeur, MissouriJun 11, 20120 Comments

Speed limit 25 mph. Patrol car sits on Mason Manor Rd, and sometimes almost out of sight in a residential driveway.

Fernview Drive

Creve Coeur, MissouriMar 26, 20101 Comments

There is a sharp dip in the road. If you are traveling slightly under 25 mph (the speed limit) and take your foot off the gas your vehicle will be going slightly over 25 for a few seconds before the sharp rise slows you down. In that few seconds that the speedometer needle hits 28-29 mph they got’cha.
You’ve got to touch the brake pedal once or twice on the dip to keep it under 25. Still, they might say you were doing 35.

Olive Boulevard near Cross Creek Drive

Creve Coeur, MissouriNov 30, 20070 Comments

I used to live off Cross Creek Drive. The Speed Limit is 25… Go 25! That place is crawling with cops…. They would also sit in St. Monica’s church parking lot late night, too, and get speeders on Olive…

Interstate 270

Creve Coeur, MissouriMay 01, 20070 Comments

North of Ladue to Page Creve Coeur makes a mint. North of Page to 70 the state and Maryland Heights take over. It does not pay to speed on 270 North

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