Saint Joseph, Missouri Speed Traps

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Gene Field Road -I-29 to Plantation Estates

Saint Joseph, MissouriMar 18, 20100 Comments

I got tired seeing everything from motorcycles to moving vans and concrete trucks zoom my road. I called the police and requested that radar be set up… the good policemen now have radar on Gene Field on a regular basis. They are doing an outstanding job. Bless them. It takes longer to write the ticket than it does for them to wait for the next offender.

N. Woodbine Rd. and Beck Rd.

Saint Joseph, MissouriJan 27, 20100 Comments

There is always a Cop at the north end of Woodbine parked in the parking lot of a Title Company, right before the Gas Station.

United States Highway 36 & S 22nd St

Saint Joseph, MissouriNov 13, 20080 Comments

From this point east and west there is a good chance there are three cops looking for during morning rush. Ka and laser. Look for them on the over passes, or tucked up behind the pillars of the over passes. Also at 36th street on ramp.

Faraon Street

Saint Joseph, MissouriFeb 15, 20080 Comments

all of Faraon and Jules

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