Henderson, Nevada Speed Traps
Corner of Marks St and Sunset Rd
They always park their motorcycle or SUV in plain sight right at the Wendy’s parking lot, especially at night. When filling up my gas I saw the motorcycle cop finish up his ticket writing and then drive right back to the Wendy’s parking lot. They are nabbing people who are headed N on Marks St and then turn right on Sunset with the no right turn on red sign. Wait till the light turns green to keep that money in your bank account!
Saint Rose/ 15 freeway
Using bridge to radar drivers traveling north on 15
Lake Las Vegas (Lake Las Vegas Parkway)
It is not uncommon to see several motorcycle cops, and patrol cars, working at the same time as a wolf pack, pulling over multiple cars on this very small stretch of road. They can be there all hours of the day and night. They usually hang out at the traffic circle on Lake Las Vegas Parkway (that intersects with Grand Mediterra Blvd) …and once you pass the traffic circle (heading towards the Hilton and Westin hotels) you usually can find more cops hanging out at the next two stop sign streets (first stop sign intersects with Strada Di Villaggio Drive, and second stop sign intersects with Via Antincendio). PLEASE BE ADVISED, YOU NEED TO COME TO A COMPLETE 3-4 SECOND STOP AT THESE STREETS, ANYTHING LESS, AND THEY WILL GIVE YOU A TICKET!
I 95 I 515 N and S Freeway by Auto Mall
Motorcycle cop radar on bridge above freeway, radio info to cops on freeway. By auto mall exits on I 95 going both ways.
Valley Verde and 215….
Motorcycle staged near top exit radioing to patrol on opposite side on ramp