Reno, Nevada Speed Traps

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I580 between Reno / Carson City

Reno, NevadaJan 02, 20160 Comments

I580 South of Reno north of Carson City. State Troopers will sit in the turn outs and will pounce on you if you exceed around 82 mph + (70 zone) Northbound or Southbound. Watch out for the blue cars of doom. Very strict Troopers. Negotiations are pointless.

Airway Drive passing Model Way

Reno, NevadaNov 14, 20140 Comments

Airway Drive is posted at 40 MPH, despite being apparently engineered for a 50 or 55 MPH speed. Most prudent drivers depend on a combination of cues to determine a comfortable and safe speed, and seeing four wide travel lanes, low congestion, and the divided construction, may not realize that traffic here is routinely flowing 10 MPH or more above the speed limit. The police have realized this, and almost daily station motorcycle officers on each side, often taking advantage of infrequently used airport maintenance driveways. Incredible numbers of tickets are being issued here, so be careful.

Double R & Longley Lane

Reno, NevadaJul 17, 20140 Comments

If coming down Double R Blvd towards Longley Lane in the morning or at lunch, watch for a motorcycle cop off to the right side on the last driveway just before reaching Longley. The speed is 45 on Double R but then drops to 35 just 100 yards or so before reaching Longley and not many people notice that. They sit there knowing that people rarely slow to the 35mph. Classic speed trap.

I80 Near California/Nevada state line.

Reno, NevadaJun 13, 20140 Comments

State Troopers work this area like wolves to a wounded sheep.

Ridge View St

Reno, NevadaApr 09, 20140 Comments

A steep downhill grade with a 25 mph limit. Impossible to keep under 25 mph without riding breaks. Limited access road which should be a 30 mph limit. Motorcycle cops from Reno hide at steepest part nabbing drives going 30 to 34mph.

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