Berkeley Heights, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Bonnie Burn Road

Berkeley Heights, New JerseyMay 16, 20030 Comments

This trap is locate near the Corporate building adjacent to Route 78. The trap will either be under the underpass or in the entrance leading to the corporate park. The patrol car is not really ridden except by the view of the road as you approach them.

Interstate 78 West in the area of Exit 43

Berkeley Heights, New JerseyJan 01, 20010 Comments

I usually sit along the right shoulder in the grassy area between the overpass and the entrance ramp to 78 West. I love to sit there from midnight to 3AM waiting for someone who believes in violating the 65 mph speedlimit. I will not bother you if you keep your speed below 80 mph. Once you violate that threshold I will not hesitate to stop you and issue you a summons. I’ve been doing this for 12 years and rarely go to trial with a defendant because 99% of them know they are guilty of speeding and just want to plea bargain to a reduced fine and points. If you plan on exceeding the speed limit by 25 mph the judge has a tendency to take and suspend your license for a short period of time. Happy motoring!

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