North Plainfield, New Jersey Speed Traps

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intersection of Farragut ave. and Mobus lane

North Plainfield, New JerseyMay 11, 20100 Comments

North Plainfield ran a radar detail at the T-bone intersection of Farragut ave. and Mobus lane on May 2, 2010 at about 9:20 pm. Google maps can make this confusing because they refer to Farragut as a "road" and Mobus as an "avenue". Google also shows a business close to here called EZ Express Delivery LLC which further confuses this because it is a completly residential area of the town. In 18 years of driving in and around this town I can’t remember ever seeing a speedtrap here so I can’t really speculate as to where a patrol car may wait. However I know a speedtrap would be hard to spot here at night being that it is not a very well illuminated intersection with just a stop sign and no traffic lights for quite far distance away. Exact coordinates of this intersection are 40.603506, -74.421228

intersection of West End ave. and Willow ave.

North Plainfield, New JerseyMay 11, 20100 Comments

North Plainfield ran a radar detail at the intersection West End ave. and Willow ave. April 27, 2010 at about 6:00 pm. I don’t know the exact location of where the patrol car was sitting but I’ve visually seen them run radar here before and every single time I saw them doing it the patrol car was always on the southwest corner with the car facing east bound on Willow ave. This particular trap on that day yielded at least one lengthly stop of somebody going south bound on West End ave. so they were probably in their usuall location. It is very important to note that this stretch of West End ave. from Rockview ave. going south to the neighboring Plainfield border has a considerably large grass median with curbs and has long cuts through it at the intersections of Tappan ave., Willow ave. and Myrtle ave going south bound respectively. Always remember that when they are at that particular spot they also have a clear view of any vehicle speeding directly towards them traveling west bound on Willow ave. for quite a distance-and a driver may not realize this untill it is already way too late on such a 25 mph limit roadway ! Coordinates of the exact location where they usually sit are 40.611652, -74.440304

Somerset Street near Watchung Circle

North Plainfield, New JerseyJan 24, 20080 Comments

Trap can occur at any point traveling South from the Watchung Circle, beginning with the spot where the road splits (and the limit goes immediately from 40 to 25), or anywhere in the mini-mall area, or even on the right side just before the auto parts store. "Instant on" radar has been observed, although sometimes they will just leave the radar on. A request for discovery from the department after bing issued a summons usually yields pretty sloppy evidence (radar certifications older than 1 year, etc.) but the prosecutor will usually allow a plea deal.

Clinton Avenue near Greenbrook Road

North Plainfield, New JerseyDec 17, 20070 Comments

On Clinton Ave, from the Greenbrook bridge leaving Plainfield NJ north towards Greenbrook Rd in North Plainfield. No. Plfd police have radar patrol cars sitting on Clinton Ave. The posted speed limit is 25mph. They’ve been known to stop and ticket motorists for doing 10 miles over the posted 25mph limit. I know one woman who got stopped and ticketed twice for doing 35 and 37mph on each occasion. I’ve seen them sitting in the dark parked at night or in the day, waiting to catch someone.

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